Cigars have high requirements for storage environment. In general, during the storage and transportation of cigars, in order to maintain the richness and flavor of cigars, they need to be controlled within a specific humidity range.
Problems: Cigars have high requirements for humidity environment. If the humidity exceeds, it is easy to mold, grow insects, burn obliquely, block, etc., and it will burn unevenly, destroying the smoke, aroma and taste of cigars.
If the cigar is too dry, it is easy to burst, crack, etc., and the essential oils contained in the cigar are also easy to evaporate, causing the taste of the cigar to weaken or disappear.
Solution: In order to ensure that cigars can burn normally and maintain the richness and flavor of cigars, it is necessary to use humidity control products with precise humidity control to control the storage humidity environment of cigars, so as to ensure that cigars are stored within the appropriate humidity range, so that you can enjoy all their subtleties and flavors.
Recommended products:
Cigar Hydration Pack, Cigar Humidity Bag, Cedar Wooden Cigar Box, Cigar Humidity Control Liquid, Sealed Cigar Humidifier Box, Cigar Humidity Control Crystal, cedar sawdust/wood chips, etc.
Application cases:
1.Application of Cigar Hydration Pack:
Cigar Hydration Pack are made of selected humidity regulators and equipped with two-way breathable paper. They are odorless and reliable, with high humidity control accuracy, good humidity control performance, wide applicability, and strong and not easy to break. They are widely used in cigars. You can put a suitable Cigar Hydration Pack in the maintenance container where the cigars are sealed and stored to keep the cigars in a suitable humidity environment.
2. Application of Cigar Humidity Bag:
Cigar Humidity Bag are made of selected high-quality functional composite materials and built-in two-way humidity control humidity regulating paper. When traveling, you can carry an appropriate amount of cigars with them to ensure that the cigars in the bag are kept in a suitable humidity environment to ensure their quality and flavor.
3. Application of Cedar Wooden Cigar Box:
In addition to the need for a constant temperature, humidity and oxygen-containing environment for cigar aging, cigars have a certain absorbency and can absorb the odor of the surrounding environment. The cigar box made of cedar wood can blend the strong taste of cigars during the aging process, reduce the miscellaneous taste, and better ensure that the taste becomes more delicate and mellow.
4. Application of Sealed Cigar Humidifier Box:
Place an appropriate amount of cigars in a well-sealed cigar box, and place a moisturizing bag and cigar wood chips/sawdust in the box to better ensure the flavor of the cigar and extend its service life.
5. Application of Cigar Humidity Control Crystal:
The crystals in the Cigar Humidity Control Crystal are equipped with a humidifier, which can adjust the humidity of the environment in both directions. It can effectively absorb moisture at high humidity and release moisture at low humidity. It can maintain the relative humidity of the cigar box at about 70% for a long time, prevent cigars from getting moldy, reduce mold growth, and better maintain the quality and flavor of cigars.