
Cigar maintenance equipment, cigar moisturizing bag is specially developed for cigar precise humidity control

Nov 12, 2024

For cigar lovers who are new to cigars, without any experience, there are often two situations after maintaining cigars for a period of time, either too dry or too wet.After all, cigars have high requirements for the storage environment. In order to maintain the richness and taste of cigars, they need to be controlled within a specific humidity range.

Cigars are not easy to preserve, mainly because they have very high requirements for the storage environment. Generally, cigars need to be stored in an environment with a relative temperature of about 18°C and a relative humidity of about 70%.


If the humidity of the cigar exceeds the range, it will not only be prone to mold, insects, oblique burning, blockage, etc., but also burn unevenly, destroying the smoke, aroma and taste of the cigar.If the cigar is too dry, it will be prone to bursting, cracking, etc., and the essential oils contained in the cigar are also easy to evaporate, causing the taste of the cigar to disappear.

Cigars are not easy to preserve, mainly because they have very high requirements for the storage environment. Generally, cigars need to be stored in an environment with a relative temperature of about 18°C and a relative humidity of about 70%.


If the humidity of the cigar exceeds the range, it will not only be prone to mold, insects, oblique burning, blockage, etc., but also burn unevenly, destroying the smoke, aroma and taste of the cigar.If the cigar is too dry, it will be prone to bursting, cracking, etc., and the essential oils contained in the cigar are also easy to evaporate, causing the taste of the cigar to disappear.

Therefore, in order to maintain the richness and taste of cigars, using MICROGARDE cigar moisturizing bag is the correct way to open it. It can achieve two-way constant humidity, ensuring that cigars are stored in a suitable humidity range, so that you can enjoy all their subtleties and flavors.


Precise and stable humidity control

Cigar moisturizing bag selects superior humidity control agent as moisture absorption carrier, scientifically mixes pure water, and develops it into gel. It has the characteristics of odorless and reliable, high humidity control accuracy, and good humidity control performance.

Whether it is "humidity absorption" or "humidity release" performance, it is not only accurate and stable, but also better than traditional granular or liquid humidity control materials.


Quality is safe and reliable

Cigar moisturizing bag is also very safe during use, mainly due to its outer packaging using two-way moisture permeable paper packaging material, which is strong and tough, equipped with heat sealing technology edge sealing technology, and there will be no leakage risks.


Humidity can be freely selected

Cigars in different conditions can freely choose different humidity specifications. This cigar moisturizing bag can adjust the storage environment humidity and maintain it under different precise humidity conditions such as 32%, 49%, 62%, 65%, 69%, 72%, 75%, 84%, etc.


Of course, the maintenance of cigars needs to be based on the maintenance status of cigars, storage space, storage environment and other factors to select a suitable cigar moisturizing bag. Only by using the right humidity specifications can the cigar's unique flavor be better mellowed.


Number of cigars Number of moisturizing bags for cigars of different materials


Number of cigars


The number of moisturizing bags used for cigars

made of different materials


Wood material

Plastic material


1 pack10g

1 pack 10g

5-50 pieces

2 pack75g

1 pack 75g

50-100 pieces

2-4 pack 75g

2 pack 75g

100-150 pieces

4-6 pack75g

3 pack 75g

150-200 pieces

1 pack 400g

4 pack 75g


In addition, under normal circumstances (except for special environments), the RH humidity value of the moisturizing bag is selected according to the state of the cigar. For example, if the ambient temperature is higher than 30℃, it is recommended to use a cigar moisturizing bag of 62% or 65%; if the ambient temperature is lower than 10℃, it is recommended to use a cigar moisturizing bag of 72% or 75%, and if the ambient temperature is around 20℃, it is recommended to use a cigar moisturizing bag of 69% or 72%.


Take it anytime, anywhere

Not only that, this cigar moisturizing bag is also very convenient to use. It adopts an independent small packaging design, which does not take up space and can be taken anytime and anywhere. It is very portable for many cigar lovers to carry it out, and they can enjoy the unique flavor of cigars at any time.

In short, if you want to have the best cigars, you must strive for excellence when storing them, and it is necessary to prepare a suitable  cigar moisturizing bag.

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